Stories to Last Suggestion Box
Here are ideas for organizing your stories into a book your family will treasure.
These are perfect for the Vignette Memoir or Interview Legacy
Essence Objects:
Choose 5 to 12 (or more) items, each one representing an important story, relationship, or quality of you. Tell us the story each object inspires.
Photo by Simon John-McHaffie
What’s an object that reminds you of your relationship (or lack of connection) with your father? Your mother? Grandparents?
What’s an object that reminds you of an important moment in your childhood?
What’s an object that reminds you of something you rarely tell others? A secret?
What’s an object that makes you feel safe? Reminds you of a challenge that you’ve been through?
What’s an object that reflects one of your greatest values? A favorite activity?
Photo Memories:
Choose 5 to 12 photos, each one representing an important story, relationship, or quality of you. Tell us the story each photo inspires.
Photo by Roman Kraft
Choose 5 to 12 recipes, each one representing an important story, relationship, or quality of you. Tell us the story each food or recipe inspires.
Photo by Sincerely Media
Choose 5 to 10 people that have been important in your life and discuss the stories these relationships inspire.
Photo by Mary Blackwey
Choose 5-10 places you’ve lived, traveled to, or spent time in, each one representing an important moment, story, relationship, or quality of you. Tell us the stories that each place inspires.
Choose 5-12 prompts from our curated Stories to Last list and tell us the stories each prompt inspires.
Purchase your legacy directly on our website or contact us for a free consultation to figure out the best services for you!