The Art & Craft of Memoir
People who are writing their memoir often ask me to recommend a book. Well, until the Stories to Last book is complete (Look for it later this year!), Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir by William Zinsser (Mariner, 1998) is a good choice.
Here’s what Zinsser says about memoir writing in the introduction. I love this!
On the Art and Craft of Memoir
"A good memoir requires two elements—one of art, the other of craft.”
“The first is integrity of intention. . . . Memoir is how we try to make sense of who we are, who we once were, and what values and heritage shaped us. If a writer seriously embarks on that quest, readers will be nourished by the journey, bringing along many associations with quests of their own.
"The other element is carpentry. Good memoirs are a careful act of construction. We like to think that an interesting life will simply fall into place on the page. It won't. . . . Memoir writers must manufacture a text, imposing narrative order on a jumble of half-remembered events."ever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
At Stories to Last, this is what we work with you to achieve. We love hearing about your journey and your emotional truth! And we LOVE creating good stories.
Whether you’re writing your own memoir or want to have us interview you for an easy way to get started, we’re here to help!
We truly believe that everyone has a story worth sharing that is meaningful to others. It’s just a matter of intention & carpentry!
Purchase your legacy directly on our website or contact us for a free consultation to figure out the best services for you!