Tip for today: SHOW UP
We always tell our sons that step one in life is to show up. Some days, you’re tired. You may not like how you feel. You might feel hard on yourself or scared. Got school or work or something you want or need to do? Just focus on showing up. That’s all you have to do, that one thing. And the rest will come.
To share your story, step one is just to show up and get started. Let go of perfection. Let go of how you think it SHOULD be done or how others have done it or say to do it.
Just get out your yellow legal pad or journal or open your computer to a new Word doc. Or record your story using Notes on your smart phone or through Google Chrome Voice or tell it into a recorder or free recording app on your phone. (I’ll go over all of these in Blogs to come.)
Think of one childhood memory. Could be anything: an average day or a momentous occasion or one of those iconic stories of your youth or a typical moment. And just write about it. Yes, there are certain story elements that will bring your writing to life, but for now, just write. (I’ll go over story elements in future Blogs as well.)
Let your story come out without judgment. And you can do this. You got this! Because all you have to do is SHOW UP. The rest will follow!
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